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Expert Trick Dog Titles
Image by Jamie Street

Expert tricks are a further step up from what your dog was doing it the Advanced stage. So to be eligible for Expert title, you need to have Advanced title for that Talent Track. 

For example, if you would like to work on Expert Performer Trick Dog title, you need to get Advanced Performer Trick Dog title first.


Expert tricks are the ultimate stretch for your dog’s abilities and a real test for the talent. Typical Expert level tricks require 3 or more steps in terms of training and well-established decision-making abilities in your dog. All of the movements in Expert Trick Dog titles are natural for dogs but will require a combination of several skills, often utilising different aspects of your dog’s talent. To achieve this level you need to have a close partnership with your dog and excellent motivation.

Despite the complexity, many dogs will be able to achieve this level with the right training.


Once you receive your Expert Trick Dog title, you are able to apply for the Champion Trick Dog title, which is the highest available title.

Expert Trick Dog title requirements:

Part 1: Perform any 5 tricks or behaviours from the Expert Tricks list for your Talent track

Choose any 5 tricks or behaviours from the Expert trick list (for your Talent track). Please see below the full list of requirements for each Talent track. Record a short separate video clip of you and your dog performing each of those tricks.

You can choose your own tricks too, but they need to be on the Expert level of difficulty.

If you have any doubts re the level of difficulty, please contact us in advance for confirmation.


Part 2: Five Sequence of any two tricks or behaviours from your Talent track range

Demonstrate that your dog can perform five sequences of any two behaviours or tricks from the Novice, Advanced or Expert lists of options for your Talent track. 

The tricks need to be performed one after the other in a flowing sequence.

Any combination of the tricks is good. Record each sequence as a short video clip for submission.


Part 3: One Expert level trick of your choice

Show a trick or behaviour that is not on the current list of behaviours, or performed in a distinctly different way.

The trick should require multi-step training or provide a significant stretch to your dog’s natural abilities. 

Use your creativity. Try to come up with a trick in line with the Talent track theme you are working on.

Record it as a short video clip.

Expert Trick Dog title options and detailed requirements:

For the Expert Trick Dog title you have several choices (depending on the Talent Track you'd like to work on):


Expert Thinker Dog Title

This is perfect for dogs who are building up their thinking ability and developing their thinking talent


  • Expert Thinker Dog title list of requirements (printer-friendly version)


  • Expert Thinker title working checklist (printer-friendly) 

It is a helpful summary and a place for you to make your own notes as you work towards the title.



Expert Helper Dog Title

This is the perfect track if you would like to teach your dog some useful skills, so the dog can genuinely help

you at home and in life.


  • Expert Helper Dog title list of requirements (printer-friendly version)


  • Expert Helper title working checklist (printer-friendly) 

It is a helpful summary and a place for you to make your own notes as you work towards the title.



Expert Performer Dog Title

This is for dogs and owners who would like to learn the most impressive looking and crowd-pleasing tricks. This is perfect if you would like to show off your dog to your friends, family and others or to work on the Talent Show Dog titles.


  • Expert Performer Dog title list of requirements (printer-friendly version)


  • Expert Performer title working checklist (printer-friendly) 

It is a helpful summary and a place for you to make your own notes as you work towards the title.



Expert Athlete Dog Title

This is perfect for dogs and owners who like to be physically active and would like to either do more together or to develop further your dog’s physical abilities, balance, coordination and strength.


  • Expert Athlete Dog title list of requirements (printer-friendly version)


  • Expert Athlete title working checklist (printer-friendly) 

It is a helpful summary and a place for you to make your own notes as you work towards the title.



If you have a disabled dog requiring some adjustments, please message us and we will always find a suitable alternative.

For the full list of general rules and requirements please click here.


After you receive your Expert Trick Dog Title, you can start working towards the Champion Trick Dog Title.

On award of 4 Expert Trick Dog Titles, you'll also receive an Expert All-rounder Trick Dog title.


All submissions will receive detailed feedback and personalised training ideas and suggestions.

To choose the next title you'd like to work on check Dog Titles overview


All successful submissions will receive electronic certificate. You can also purchase an optional rosette specific to your title which will also come with printed certificate. They will be posted to any country in the world.


When you are ready to submit the videos for your Advanced Trick Dog title assessment, please check the Submission guidance and fill in the  Submission Form


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