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Deaf blind and amazing!

The long anticipated International Seminar on living with and training deaf, blind and deaf blind dogs is here! Please share and invite anyone who might find it helpful.

Deaf, blind and deaf blind dogs can achieve anything! These are not empty words-this is reality! Deaf, blind and deaf blind dogs can compete in many sports, earn prestigious international titles, perform to public and live happy and fulfilling life.

We have got a team of the world top experts in training deaf, blind and deaf blind dogs, inspirational owners and dog trainers who achieved amazing things with their deaf and blind dogs who will be sharing their knowhow, best tips and lots of practical suggestions throughout the 7 Sessions of the seminar. Each session is focusing on a different aspect of living with and training deaf and blind dogs.

This seminar is the world's first of this kind and will help anyone who lives with, trains or rescues deaf, blind and deaf blind dogs. It is very practical with lots of videos, helpful tips, case studies, and solutions to most common challenges.

Join in and learn how you can achieve anything with your deaf, blind or deaf blind dog and help your dog to live its' best life!


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