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Elite Talent Show Dog Title

Elite Talent Show Dog is the highest of the Talent Show Dog titles.

It is a fantastic achievement for both of you to get that far, and you've learned a lot on your way. This is truly something to be proud of. Now it's time to take the exciting final step!


You both are now ready to perform as a team and while working for this title you'll prepare and deliver your first professional-standard performance. The type of performance that people come to watch and kids dream of being able to do something like that with their dog one day. 


In fact, once you obtain the title, I am hoping you and your dog would be able 

to join the Dog Talent show displays at large events, and perhaps even as a part of the team display at Crufts. If you would be interested to take part with your dog, join our Facebook group and we will keep you informed about the upcoming opportunities. 


Keep inspiring others!


Eligibility: You need to have the Expert Talent Show Dog title to be able to submit for the Elite Talent Show Dog title.


Elite Talent Show Dog title requirements:

Part 1: Come up the story or a theme that will form the basis of your performance

Briefly tell or read out the story you are trying to tell with your performance. 

You can do it in many ways:

  1. Read it out or tell it to the audience before the start of the performance as a part of your performance. The story is not included into the 4 minutes of the performance time, so the time starts after you complete telling the story to your audience;

  2. You can record yourself reading or telling the story separately before you start your performance, rather than doing it in front of the audience;

  3. You can e-mail the brief summary of the story together with the rest of the Elite Dog Talent Show checklist to


What you can choose as a story?

This is really entirely up to you. It could be a little story or a theme. The Elite Dog Talent Show is designed to be performed in front of an audience. So it needs not to be just sequences of tricks, but the tricks need to be logically connected or fit to your selected theme.

Examples of potential stories or themes to give you some inspiration:


In the school


Chaos in the hotel

Naughty dog

We are in the army



Catch the thief


Any story usually has an opening or a “problem” followed by the main part where the story is developing and closing part or conclusion.

Instead of a story, you could use general themes to link up your props and tricks, for example:




Party time


Yoga, etc

Think of a theme that would help you to show off your dog and it’s talents and be entertaining or humorous to watch.


Part 2:  Perform your story or the theme described in Part 1 in front of the live audience of at least 5 people, or virtually.

The performance should last for around 3 minutes. Your dog needs to demonstrate at least 12 different tricks in the performance

There are no restrictions on the types of tricks you can use. Any tricks from any level, any talent pathway are allowed. You can also use your own tricks. 


You need to include at least one prop into your performance but ideally aim to have several as they usually make the show more interesting and help to build the theme. 


Your dog needs to demonstrate at least 12 different tricks during the performance. The tricks can be repeated as many times as needed throughout the performance — to help to tell the story. 


The guide time for performance is around 3 minutes, but you are welcome to make it a bit shorter or longer.


You are very welcome to use music and wear some costumes if you’d like, but this is optional. You can perform inside or outside. You can reward your dog a couple of times during the performance, but it needs to be done in an unobtrusive way, so it does not draw the attention of your audience or distract them in any way from the performance.


Please record your performance as one video and submit via the Submission form on the website. Separately please e-mail the completed Checklist (see below) to or provide the same information as a free text via e-mail.


If for one or another reason you can’t or would rather not perform in front of a real audience of at least 5 people, consider performing it virtually on your social media channel and get at least 20 likes


Elite Talent Show Dog title list of potential tricks, Checklist and requirements:

Novice list of tricks:



Advanced list of tricks:



Expert list of tricks:



Elite Talent Show Dog Shrequirements that you can print off:



Elite Talent Show Dog Checklist (to help you to plan the list of the tricks

and to complete for submission).

Included in both pdf and Word formats for your convenience:




Once you are ready to submit the video for your Elite Trick Dog title assessment,

please check the Submission guidance and fill in the  Submission Form

Please separately e-mail the completed Elite Talent Show Dog Checklist to or e-mail the same info as a free text. 



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